Best price policy

  • You need to provide a written copy of a quote by one of our competitor.
  • To be accepted, the bid must come from a company based in Quebec.
  • Gon'Interactive reserved the right to refuse a job.
  • Gon'Interactive will be the only one judging if the bid submitted is accepted.
  • The admissibility of a bid is analysed based on a comparison between our offer and our competition offer in regard to schedule, mandate, what is included and what is not, etc. Gon'Interactive decision is final and cannot be contested.
  • If Gon'Interactive accept a job under it's low price garantee policy, they will apply a 10% reduction on price before taxes if the job is rated anywhere under 5000$. If the job is over 5000$ a reduction of 5% will be apply on the price before taxes.
  • If there is a difference between the english version of this document and the french version available here, it is the french version that will be considered true.

Note : Gon'Interactive is an honest and passionate company. We do not accept every job. We always make sure we have a strong interest in your project and that we are fully available in order to make sure that we give you the best out of us and that we respect your schedule. If you are interested in working with us, we will be please to do everything possible to make it work. If you have questions or are worried that you may not have enough budget, do not hesitate to contact us and we will make sure to find a solution.